Engineering Networks — Integration LLC
The assembly of certain structures is being carried out.
-> It is necessary to prepare drawings, details, fastenings, make decisions about materials, suppliers, discuss room requirements, etc.
-> In addition, project decisions regarding the type of structures need to be made. To do this, it is necessary to form a working group and within its framework discuss these and many other questions regarding the creation of structures.
If all of this is done only in meetings, verbally, via email, Skype, and phone, the information is scattered, and there is no promptness in discussing issues. As a result, many nuances can be overlooked, untimely or incorrect decisions can be made.
In Megaplan, a project is created with tasks for each question. Each task has its own discussion. If additional people need to be involved in the discussion, they are added to the corresponding tasks, immediately seeing the discussion and quickly getting up to speed. As a result, all project details are considered, and decisions are made thoughtfully and in a timely manner.
Often, employees from different offices of the organization participate in common processes but are not familiar with each other.
«Roundtable Discussions» can be created to share experiences and get to know each other.
For example, there is a need to discuss the rules and norms of construction work among foremen, engineers, and department heads. Such meetings can be organized through Megaplan by creating a project or task where the topic of the meetings can be discussed, agreements can be reached, everything can be organized, and the results, protocols, and other documentation can be saved. As a result, departments and individual employees interact more effectively, employees gain additional knowledge, and the organization forms a knowledge base on various issues. All of this positively impacts the quality of the company’s work.
In one project, employees from different offices may participate. The project involves project documentation, tender document copies, drawings, contracts, photos of objects, and much more. Different documents may have multiple versions.
Members of the project workgroup need access to files, quickly find specific documents, and promptly add new ones, restricting access to them. Even if the company has a centralized file storage, setting up folders and files with specific permissions requires involving a system administrator.
All necessary documents can be stored in Megaplan, configuring access to various folders and files independently. It is also convenient to upload different versions of one document.
All members of the workgroup have access to the necessary documentation in the current version, readily available in Megaplan.
Some employees in the company come up with new ideas regarding materials, structural solutions, project management, and various other matters.
Often, many valuable ideas get lost. With the help of Megaplan, tasks can be created for collecting ideas both within the scope of projects and across the entire company.
As a result of these ideas, the company can improve structures, enhance services, and/or improve the quality of work.